River Nile

River Nile
~ The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, n something to hope for....!!...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

~ a gEt-T0gEthEr .....!!

Death is thick in the air.
of the city
come together.

A sahib says tearfully:
See his face
looks as if I call him 
he will wake up.

Some responsibly people
speak with responsibility
'What time will the body be lifted?'
'Get some stale curd'
'Tell them to see his face for the last time'
'Wait for another flight from Uganda,
some people might come.'

A car has stopped out side.
All the faces turn;
the wailing which had died down
rises again.....!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ~ HHMMMZ..agrred N thanks FREN..!!
    ..BUT IN SUCH VIOLENCE packed N THIRSTY sphere..a A number of SOULS R still HOPPING FOR SOMEONES influx...!!!
